1. Name of Pupil(in block letters) English :

Malayalam :

2. Aadhar No.
3. Sex
4. Date of Birthday  (dd-mm-yyyy)in figures

(Copy of birth certificate)in words

5. Standard to which admission is sought:(in figures)

(in words)

6. School previously attended
7. Place of birth
8. Nationality
9. Mother tongue
10. Religion & Caste  ,
11. Does the candidate belongs to Scheduled Cast or Scheduled Tribes or other Backward Communities
12. Father's Name :

Occupation & phone No.

13. Mother's Name :

Occupation & phone No.

14. Permanent Address of parent


15. Name and address of guardian:


Relationship with guardian:


16. Name of own brothers or sisters studying in this school, if any with class
17. Number and date of transfer certificate
18. Date of Vaccination
19. Permanent identification marks1.


20. Email Address

        Father/Guardian of   do hereby declare that the particulars entered in this form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read the rules of discipline of the school and I undertake that my word will abide by them. I further declare that the date of birth of my word given above is correct and that I will not apply in future for the correction of the date of birth.


Date :

1.  Image files should be below 200kb(Photo) and 100kb(signature) in size.
2. Use JPG, JPEG, PNG File Format.
3. Photo - Rename file name as admission number+photo (EX: 2585photo).
4. Signature - Rename file name as admission number+sign (EX: 2585sign).
